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Professional Window Cleaning - Eavestrough Cleaning

Commercial Window Cleaning

* Interior & Exterior

* High rise

* Low rise

* Strip malls

* Store fronts

All commercial window cleaning is delivered by skilled and safety trained technicians via either: Rope access, Swing Stage, Man Lift, Ladder, or pole.

We can provide monthly, quarterly, bi - annually and annual window cleaning services.

Commercial Specialty Services

* Caulking

* Pre-construction window covering (preventative maintenance)

* Post construction window cleaning

* Rope access cleaning

* Rope access repairs

Specialty requests 

We will try to accommodate all specialty requests as long as we have the means to safely and skillfully carry them out.

Residential Window Cleaning

* Acreages

* 1 story

* 2 story

* 2 story with walkout

Residential Specialty Services

* Property maintenance

* Pre-construction window covering (preventative maintenance)

* Post-construction window cleaning

* eavestrough cleaning

Small community window cleaning & property maintenance

If you live in a smaller community and are in the need of a professional window cleaning and/or eavestrough cleaning service, we can help!

Just get together with other members of your residential and business community that share a similar need for the service and we will deliver.

Urban Shine will come to your community to serve the members in need of: window and screen cleaning, pressure washing, & eavestrough cleaning. We can also accommodate specialty requests for miscellaneous services.

Minimum charges apply for the small community service. Give us a call at 780-905-5773 or email your request to

Serving: Edmonton, Sherwood Park, Lamont, Tofield, Mundare, Vegreville, Camrose and surrounding acreages and towns.

Call now for your free estimate: 780-905-5773

Urban Shine Window Cleaning and Property Maintenance offer an assortment of services:

* Window Cleaning

* Screen cleaning

* Frame & track cleaning

* Eavestrough cleaning

* Pre-construction window covering

* Post-construction window cleaning

And much more...

Let US

Bring the Shine!

Call: 780-905-5773 or 


Thanks for visiting!

Urban Shine Window Cleaning 

and Property Maintenance

P.O Box 196, Tofield, Alberta T0B 4J0

© 2018    UrbanShine Window Cleaning and Property Maintenance. All Rights Reserved.

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